- BorN in JanUaRy wHiCh beiNg saId to posSesses aN indEpeNdENce thAT alloWS for cONsidErable prOGRess bOth perSOnalLy aND on tHE job.
- GROwN Up In SmaLL TowN somEwhEre neaR PeraK.
- dauGhtEr to AmaZing ParenTs in The wHoLe World.
- clOse With FamILy and They Being The UpmOst imPortaNt PersOn In My Life.
- In Dependence.
- LovEs ShoPPinG....reaLLy LoVe It!
- WaNNa TuRn ThiS bLog to SeroIuslY invoLVeD in BusiNesS.
- eaSy GoiNg PersON.
- sImPle But Yet COmplIcatED to UnderStand.